

Who really knows what all infrastructure involves and how to manage it? Our documentation service provides the keys to understanding the overall picture of your assets, making resource management and development proactive and reliable.


Our service uses C2 SmartInventory-solution and situation awareness solution, which combine the data collected with the help of inventory and C2 SmartCity -system stored data. This forms a comprehensive situational view of the infrastructure, helping to perceive what is included in the entity owned and managed by the subscriber. Documentation provides a clear basis for resource management and decision-making.

Benefits and savings

The Documentation service improves asset management by providing a real-time and accurate overview. A clear situational view helps to avoid duplication of investments and optimize the use of resources, which brings cost savings. In addition, the service helps to anticipate maintenance needs and make better decisions about infrastructure maintenance and development in the future. This makes documentation a strategic tool for your organization's needs.

Typical use

  • all lighting
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