

Our reporting solution provides automatically generated and up-to-date reports that focus on the services you are using. This means you can focus on decision-making and resource optimization. Lighting infrastructure reports provide you with all the information you need to improve your operations and achieve your goals more effectively.


Our solution contains numerous automated reports that are created and delivered at the desired time, for example once a month or annually. Lighting reports contain information about the events of the services in use, without unnecessary additional information. You will get exactly the information you need.

Benefits and savings

The solution makes it easier to monitor activities and make decisions related to them. The information in the reports is always relevant and up-to-date, which makes the management of operations more efficient and helps to optimize the use of resources. In the long run, the reporting solution provides significant cost savings and reduces manual work.

Typical use

  • available as an additional service to most of our services
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