Light follows traveler
Front page » Solutions » Catalog » Light follows traveler
Imagine stepping into a dimly lit street, where the lights come on softly to the pace of your steps and go out after you as the journey continues. This is a lighting solution that combines energy efficiency, safety and a magical atmosphere.
Lighting is about 10% of full power when there is no movement on the street, but when motion sensors detect movement, they light up softly to full power as the road user progresses on the road. Lamps with motion sensors detect the traveler and brighten the lamp when the traveler is at the point. The lights go out or dim when the predefined time has elapsed since the light is lit. For example, the luminaires can be programmed to burn for 10 minutes after the traveler has been detected by the motion sensors. sitä mukaa kun tien käyttäjä etenee tiellä. Liiketunnistimilla varustetut valaisimet havaitsevat kulkijan ja kirkastavat lampun, kun kulkija on kohdalla. Valot sammuvat tai himmenevät, kun ennalta määritelty aika on mennyt umpeen valon syttymisestä. Valaisimet voidaan ohjelmoida esimerkiksi palamaan 10 minuutin ajaksi siitä, kun liiketunnistimet ovat havainneet kulkijan.
Benefits and savings
The solution reduces energy consumption and is a pleasant solution for nature and residents. It creates the ability to move without looking at the time of day.
Typical uses
- street lighting
- sports venues
- coastal cities where the weather can change rapidly