Mobile control of colour lighting

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Imagine you enter the park and the light around you lives with you. What color lighting would be best for the moment? Everything is in your hands literally. With just a few swipes of your finger, you can control the atmosphere around you, creating the space you want. The mobile control of color lighting gives you full control over the color and intensity of the lights.


Color lighting control in public areas can be done easily so that the end-users can control the color luminares in their immediate area with their own phones. For example, in a park, the user can change the mood created by the color lighting in their own neighborhood. The mobile control of the colour lighting brings control of the lights conveniently to the phone, allowing the user to adjust the lighting according to the current mood.

Benefits and savings

Controlling the lights by phone increases the attractiveness and comfort of the areas. It also creates new types of touch surfaces for users and improves their experience of the areas where light creates the ambiance of the environment.

Typical use

  • parks
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