Automatic switch off of water points
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Our automated switch off solution ensures that water points work exactly when they are needed. The system alerts you to potential disruptions in real time, ensuring continuous operation. This service not only makes controlling easier, but also saves time and resources, making the use of water points effortless. The automatic switch off of water points ensures that water is switched off when necessary, improving control and operational reliability.
Automatic switch off of water occurs at the desired time or time of year, and the system can also react in exceptional situations, such as an alarm for a third-party solution. The automatic switch off is based on automation and remote control, allowing water points to close or open effortlessly without being present.
Benefits and savings
The automatic switch off of water points brings ease of management with remote control, reducing unnecessary on-site visits. The timing option, such as automatic start-up and switch off of the fountain during the summer, allows for timed operation, whereby automatic switch off of the water ensures operational optimization and energy savings. Rapid response to disruptions ensures that any problems are dealt with quickly and downtime stays short.
Typical use
- cemetery water points
- fountains
- water points