Uuraisten Vuokratalot Oy renovated its lighting with a rental model

"I remember C2 SmartLight only four times a year."

In 2021, Uurainten Vuokratalot Oy carried out an extensive outdoor lighting renovation using a rental model in cooperation with C2 SmartLight. The project has been so successful that CEO and administrative property manager Taru Rytkönen remembers the company only in connection with invoicing, budgeting and financial statements - everything has gone flawlessly. With the new lighting solution, energy costs have decreased, and maintenance-free smart luminaires have brought ease to everyday life.

Picture: Uuraisten Vuokratalot Oy

The old lamps needed an update - energy saving and maintenance-free were attractive option
Uuraisten Vuokratalot Oy manages ten townhouse properties with a total of 134 apartments. Before the renovation, the outdoor lights of the houses were outdated, and you could no longer get spare parts for all of them. Over the years, the sites built at different times had accumulated a variety of lighting technologies, which made maintenance difficult. At the same time, Rytkönen knew that the price of energy was rising, and the need to update the technology was growing. "When there was no money for big investments, the rental model was an excellent solution for us," says Taru.

The rental model was a solution to financial constraints and brought an opportunity to update the lighting
When Uuraisten Vuokratalot Oy started mapping out the renovation of the lighting, the biggest challenge was arranging financing. As a subsidiary owned by the municipality, the company could not make large financial investments without the council's approval. The rental model of C2 SmartLight offered a suitable solution without large financial investments. "Thanks to the rental model, we didn't have to make large income financing investments, and the technology could be updated on time," says Taru.

The project succeeded according to plans - the schedule was kept and the installations went smoothly
Although starting the project required a council hearing, the actual implementation went smoothly and on schedule. The installations were completed in the fall of 2021, and at the same time the number lights at the entrances of the townhouses, which were part of the project, were also renewed. "When I was asked about this now three years later, I realized that I don't even remember much about it, because everything has worked so well", Taru laughs.

Maintenance-free luminaires and motion detectors bring significant savings
The new lamps have been in use for three years now, and none of them have broken. Freedom from maintenance has been one of the biggest advantages of the project. Of course, property management monitors the operation and sometimes bypasses the automation/timings and manually tests the functionality of the lighting. In addition, lamps equipped with motion detectors have significantly saved energy. "Thanks to motion detectors, the lights only burn at 10% power when there is no movement in the area. This is really cost-effective," Taru praises.

The residents are grateful and the costs have remained under control
The benefits brought by the lighting solutions are also visible in the everyday life of the residents. Taru remembers a long-term resident saying that nowadays you can sleep without blackout curtains, because the yard lights no longer dazzle from the window. At the same time, the administration of the rental house company has also been spared an extra headache. "I remember C2 SmartLight four times a year - when the bill comes, when I budget for the next year, and in connection with the financial statements, when I record the details of the lease agreement. There haven't been any problems that I have had to deal with," says Taru. This sums up the success of the project perfectly: things go so well that there is no need to pay attention to them in everyday life. "I can warmly recommend them even for small destinations."

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