Asikkala municipality

In Asikkala, you can ski even in the middle of the night and still the municipality saves more than 80% of its electricity bill.

Vääksy 29.5.2021-5

The municipality of Asikkala has achieved significant savings and improved the quality of lighting with the help of an intelligent lighting system. The outdoor lighting renovation project completed at the end of 2021 contained almost 1,700 remote-controlled luminaires. "There is no easier and more cost-effective way to improve lighting and save energy." says Jukka Hjelm from Asikkala municipality. The project has paid for itself in seven years, and not only the streets, but also the lighting of the sports venues has been optimized as needed. A comparison before and after the project shows clear savings in both energy consumption and maintenance costs.

Katujen lisäksi myös liikuntapaikoilla valot palavat tarpeen mukaan. Urheilukentälle valot kirkastuvat nappia painamalla ja Aurinkovuoren kuntoradalla valot on himmennetty ja ne kirkastuvat silloin kun liikettä havaitaan.

Vuoden 2021 lopussa päätökseen saatu ulkovalaistuksen saneerausprojekti vuokramallilla sisälsi valaisinvaihtona yhteensä lähes 1700 älykkäästi etäohjattua valaisinta teille, kaduille, puistoihin ja liikuntapaikoille. Samalla Asikkalassa otettiin käyttöön muutettavissa olevat yöhimmennysprofiilit ja sen myötä energiankulutus oli 27% aikaisempaan energiankulutukseen verrattuna eli tiputus vanhaan sähkölaskuun oli 73%. Asikkalan kunnan silloinen tekninen johtaja Harri Hirvonen oli projektiin tyytyväinen: “Nyt on kaduilla hyvä valaistus ja ohjaukset toimii.” Vuonna 2022 himmennysprofiileja vielä korjattiin, jonka jälkeen laskennallinen säästö vanhaan valaistustilanteeseen verrattuna on 82%.

The original need and goals
The original need for starting the project was outdated and energy-inefficient lighting infrastructure, which caused high electricity bills and light pollution. The goal was to modernize lighting, improve energy efficiency and reduce costs. The municipality of Asikkala made the purchase using a rental model, i.e. they renovated the entire lighting infrastructure at once, zeroing out the repair debt and covering the rental costs with savings on energy and maintenance.

The choice and cooperation
C2 SmartLight Oy was chosen as the project implementer based on their smart lighting solution and positive references. "There is no easier and more cost-effective way to improve lighting and save energy than this smart lighting system. It's been a really functional solution," says Jukka Hjelm, civil engineering foreman responsible for lighting in Asikkala municipality.

Challenges and solutions
Challenges were encountered during the project, such as removing the old lights and installing new ones without disturbing the daily life of the municipal residents too much. These challenges were resolved through careful planning and step-by-step implementation. The schedule and budget were in line, which was important for the success of the project.

The greatest successes
The biggest successes were significant energy savings and improved lighting quality. In addition, reducing the main fuse sizes brought savings. Jukka Hjelm emphasizes: "The end result of the project has exceeded our expectations. The lighting is now efficient and environmentally friendly, and the residents of the municipality have been very satisfied." He adds: “There is no easier way to improve lighting. I put my feet up on the table and watched as the lights changed." The rental model is a purchase that significantly saves the municipality's resources, as it includes four entities that the municipality's own personnel would have to tender separately: design, procurement of supplies, installation work, and measurement and optimization of lighting quality.

Comparison and recommendations
A comparison before and after the project shows clear savings in both energy consumption and maintenance costs. At first, Asikkala suspected the savings calculations made by C2 SmartLight, but when they did the calculations themselves, the results were even better. Jukka Hjelm says: "At first we were skeptical about C2's calculations, but when we did our own calculations, they turned out to be even better. Asikkala has calculated that the acquisition has paid for itself in seven years. Hjelm warmly recommends C2 SmartLight to other municipalities and organizations that are considering similar projects: "Cooperation with them has been smooth and they have proven themselves to be a reliable partner."

Lighting of sports venues
In addition to the streets, the lights also come on at sports venues as needed. On the sports field, the lights brighten by pressing a button, and on the Aurinkovuori fitness track, the lights are dimmed and brighten when movement is detected. Matti Kettunen, welfare director of Asikkala municipality, says that even though the lights turn off at 10 p.m., even after that you can go skiing on the fitness track and the lights turn on according to motion detection. Those who get to move, for example, work in shifts: "Municipals can go skiing 24/7 without headlamps and the lights only come on when they are needed."

C2 SmartLight Oy provided the lighting as a service and the intelligent control of the lighting. "We think it's great to be involved in this type of project, where with the help of the technology we've developed, energy consumption is reduced and light pollution is reduced. We are also particularly pleased that the municipality of Asikkala is still satisfied with the purchase and cooperation with us today." Sales manager Jani Lind from C2 SmartLight Oy sums up.

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