Seinäjoki parish

Seinäjoki parish

The cemeteries of the Seinäjoki parish had a total of 150 pieces of 125W mercury lamps and considerable energy consumption because of them. When the parish started thinking about replacing the luminaires with LEDs and got acquainted with the matter in more detail, they decided to acquire a C2 SmartLight control system, which will be used to control the lighting as needed and also to achieve significant savings. The lighting renovation was completed in the fall of 2021.

“We anticipate a lot of value for this project. On such a large scale, intelligent lighting has not been introduced in Finnish congregations, at least to my knowledge. ” says Esko Karttunen, park manager of the Seinäjoki parish.

“In our opinion, the C2 SmartLight is the most advanced and advanced in lighting control. C2 has an understanding and knowledge of how to control park lighting and the expertise was useful when choosing luminaire models and different options. ” Karttunen continues.

With the new technology, the overall management of the areas will improve considerably. "The functional condition of the devices can be seen remotely from the system, and you can better prepare for repairs. You can see a broken lamp in a single cemetery and you don't have to wander around there for nothing." In addition, the scope of the control system includes other types of electrical control. "In one cemetery, the sprinklers are controlled on a timed basis or with a cell phone, and in another cemetery, the defrosters are controlled remotely." Karttunen sums up the benefits.

In Seinäjoki, the visual side of lighting is also given the attention it deserves, and its benefits are understood as an atmosphere creator. All in all, there is a lot of expectation in the lighting of parks and cemeteries. The trees are to be illuminated with durable solutions, and the colors of the lights can be used to bring out the shapes of buildings in very different ways.” Karttunen paints the picture of the future.

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