The C2 SmartLight control system was introduced to illuminate the Port of Pori in 2009. The project, which lasted more than a year, enables environmentally friendly and intelligent lighting in the Mäntyluoto harbor area. The main goals of the lighting renovation were efficient lighting targeting, ease of use of the system and energy savings. The project was challenging as the irregular production times in the port area required flexible lighting control. - As a rule, production is scheduled for morning and evening shifts, but ships are often unloaded and loaded at night, explains Kai Heinonen, Operational Manager of the Port of Pori.
Tailored solutions
The project began with a survey of the port's old control units and an inspection of their functionality. During the implementation phase, the old and new systems were integrated. Since the implementation, the Port of Pori and C2 have developed a lighting management application suitable for the operating environment.
- It is great that C2 has listened to our wishes and tailored the product to our needs. We are still continuing our development work together, says Heinonen.
The new system enables 10-30% energy savings, depending on how the lights are used.
- This means significant energy savings on a port-scale basis each year. The amount of savings depends on us. The next goal is to engage the operating personnel in the efficient use of the new system, Heinonen sums up.
Lighting of the Mäntyluoto part of the Port of Pori
Content: C2 inventoried old lighting systems, implemented the integration of old and new systems, developed a management application suitable for the customer
Goal: Efficiency and flexibility of use, energy and cost savings
Schedule: Inventory in autumn 2008, installations in 2009, user interface modifications ready in winter 2010
Lit area: 2 km2 (Mäntyluoto harbor area)
Luminaires: about 550
Power of the luminaire: 330 kW
Lighting, yearly energy consumpion: About 1.8 GWh for the entire Port