Smart sensors provide information of weather conditions on the sport grounds

An established way of controlling lighting has been clock control, which turns off the lights on the sports grounds at ten o'clock in the evening and turns them on at six in the morning. In terms of energy saving, control has evolved and today, in the pursuit of carbon neutrality, ecology has already become an equally important metric.
Both goals will be achieved by moving to sensor-controlled smart lighting, where the key word is demand. These solutions are also smart in the sense that they pay back for the investment as maintenance and service costs are reduced with automation.
A game changer
Smart sensors are the eyes and ears of the lighting control solution on the site. Temperature and light sensors are the most familiar sensors in sports venues, with the help of which the lights are controlled according to the temperature limits and the ever-changing daylight length of the north. In recent years, pushbuttons and motion sensors have become more common way to control light by demand. The snow sensor, on the other hand, is a useful sensor due to climate change when much more light is needed during the dark fall time than when the snow is on the ground and light pollution is reflected in the sky, effectively covering the starry sky.

Knowledge-based management requires monitoring
The information collected by the sensors can also be used, for example, to monitor the amount of visitors. Reijo Hakorinta, Raisio's Director of Sports, gives an example where the outdoor fitness stairs in Kerttula and the fitness track next to it have been monitored using the C2 SmartCounter. “Korona lock down started in mid-March and that’s when outdoor exercise increased. In April, more than 60,000 times was walked up and down the stairs. These figures are worth showing, they are really impressive and appeal to anyone. Especially when you understand what lies behind them: with so much movement, it has to produce something good. In a city the size of Raisio, we have a few hundred or more exercise places in care, and it is easy to say that even with the current indicators, more than a million exercise performances are done on them every year, and that is quite a staggering number.
The lighting control solutions provided by C2 SmartLight are in use in the majority of Finnish municipalities and cities. Dozens of C2 SmartCounter outdoor counters have already been delivered and the readings around Finland are equally impressive. “As a tool of knowledge-based management, counters can verify the number of activities and show the times of movement with the accuracy of months, days and even hours, and there is no need to guess or go on-site to count with pen and paper. The numbers were known to be large, but still they have surprised positively. This is clear evidence of how much sport venues really move people. ” sums up Petri Laitinen, Executive Vice President, C2 SmartLight Oy.